Walking Wise sex trafficking animated video series provides prevention education to youth and adults.

From Storytelling to Microlearning

Storytelling is a powerful tool to connect with audiences, and visual learning helps improve comprehension. We have coupled this approach with bite size videos to offer microlearning.

Walking Wise™ uses an explainer-style animated videos to teach youth and adults about child sex trafficking. View our videos to understand the many tactics used by groomers and traffickers to trap young people in the sex trade.

Getting started is easy. View the video trailers below about 11 topics connected to the commercial sex trade. Gain full access to our 3-minute animated videos and education guide by enrolling in our Walking Wise curriculum program.

Getting Started is Easy

View the video trailers below about 11 topics connected to the commercial sex trade. Gain full access to our 3-minutes animated videos and education guide by enrolling in our Walking Wise curriculum program.

learning objectives

  • Understand the vulnerabilities that sex groomers prey upon.
  • Recognize grooming techniques used to coerce youth into sexual activity & trafficking.
  • Know how to ask for help when feeling at risk, experiencing threats, or being trafficked.
Walking Wise Logo - Child Sex Trafficking Prevention Education

learning objectives

  • Understand the vulnerabilities that sex groomers prey upon.
  • Recognize grooming techniques used to coerce youth into sexual activity & trafficking.
  • Know how to ask for help when feeling at risk, experiencing threats, or being trafficked.

Watch our video trailers or view our 3-minute "sample video," The Trustworthy vs. Unsafe Adult.

NOTE: Parents of middle school-aged children (11+) may prefer to accompany their child throughout the learning process.

The Trustworthy vs. Unsafe Adult

1-in-4 girls and 1-in-13 boys living in the U.S. experience child sexual abuse. 91% of these crimes are perpetrated by someone known and trusted by the child or the child’s family members.

Myths of Child Sex Trafficking

Myths put vulnerable people in greater danger of being trapped by traffickers, trapped for longer, and deprived of the services that could help them reclaim their lives.

Grooming Process of Child Sex Trafficking

125% increase in reports of sex trafficking recruitment on Facebook and a 95% increase on Instagram in 2020 compared to 2019.

Sextortion Scheme of Child Sex Trafficking

29.3 million reports of suspected online child exploitation in 2021, an increase of 35% over 2020. Children 8 to 17 years old are targets for sextortion.

Pornography Link to Child Sex Trafficking

42 billion visits were made to just
one leading pornographic website in 2019.

Male Victims of Child Sex Trafficking

Boys make up to 36% of children
caught up in the U.S. sex trafficking industry.

Pimps & Buyers of Child Sex Trafficking

A study of over 15 major U.S. cities estimated
that 5% of all males over 18 solicit online sex ads.

Female Recruiters of Child Sex Trafficking

15 years old is the average age girls are lured or coerced into sex trafficking.* A successful tactic is to employ female accomplices to recruit teenagers into the sex trade.

Runaways are Targets of Child Sex Trafficking

100% increase over the past 10 years of homeless youths' reliance on the sex industry for survival.

Family Secret of Child Sex Trafficking

42% of victims are recruited into
sex trafficking by a member of their own family.

Rural Risks of Child Sex Trafficking

Vulnerabilities of rural communities
to sex trafficking include geographical isolation,
fewer jobs, and a high number of truck stops.

When in distress, children can hand motion the Signal for Help to alert a bystander

Walking Wise Sex Trafficking Video Series

Watch our video trailers or view our 3-minute "sample video," The Trustworthy vs. Unsafe Adult.

NOTE: Parents of middle school-aged children may prefer to accompany their child throughout the learning process.

The Trustworthy vs.
Unsafe Adult

1-in-4 girls and 1-in-13 boys living in the U.S. experience child sexual abuse. 90% of these crimes are perpetrated by someone known and trusted by the child or the child’s family members.

The Myths of
Child Sex Trafficking

Myths put vulnerable people in greater danger of being trapped by traffickers, trapped for longer, and deprived of the services that could help them reclaim their lives.

Grooming Process of
Child Sex Trafficking

125% increase in reports of sex trafficking recruitment on Facebook and a 95% increase on Instagram in 2020 compared to 2019.

Sextortion Scheme of
Child Sex Trafficking

29.3 million reports of suspected online child exploitation in 2021, an increase of 35% over 2020. Children 8 to 17 years old are targets for sextortion.

Pornography Link to
Child Sex Trafficking

42 billion visits were made to just one leading pornographic website during 2019.
(Website is intentionally unnamed).

Male Victims of
Child Sex Trafficking

Boys make up to 36% of children caught up in the U.S. sex trafficking industry.

Pimps & Buyers of
Child Sex Trafficking

A study of over 15 major U.S. cities estimated that 5% of all males over 18 solicit online sex ads.

Female Recruiters of
Child Sex Trafficking

15 years old is the average age girls are lured or coerced into sex trafficking.* A successful tactic is to employ female accomplices to recruit teenagers into the sex trade.

Family Secret of
Child Sex Trafficking

42% of victims are recruited into sex trafficking by a member of their own family.

Rural Risks of
Child Sex Trafficking

Vulnerabilities of rural communities to sex trafficking include geographical isolation, fewer jobs, and a high number of truck stops.

When in distress, children can hand motion the Signal for Help to alert a bystander
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